Saturday, May 15, 2010

Even doing hair is an ordeal

Well, Miss Dakotah has the curliest hair ever - I put a texture relaxer in it this morning. For the typical developing child, this would not be something to blog about, but for us, it is. Since Dakotah has very poor head control, I had to carefully plan how I was going to do this w/o getting this product on her skin or in her eyes. I geniusly figured out how to put the bathchair in the bathroom (not actually in the tub) where the head portion would be over the tub. I got her situated and strapped - thank goodness for straps bc w/o them, she would've wriggled off the chair. Of course the directions say, "Detangle the hair first". Well, let me tell you, detanging hair is one of Dakotah's LEAST favorite things to do. It ranks right up there with toothbrushing.

I got it detangled and started applying this cream - first time user so I was silently praying that it would work and that all her hair wouldn't fall out. Mommy's already been there and done that (had to wear a wig and all) so I didn't want that for her. My back was killing me at this point because I had to bend over to apply, rinse, and then shampoo her hair.

Once I got her back to the bed, I had to sit her up - again, another strategic event because I had to sit behind her, positioning my legs and knees just right behind her so she wouldn't fall back, but not too much or she would have fallen forward. (See, so even if your daughters whine about having their hair done, at least they are sitting up unassisted - lol). I have to support AND I still get the whining.

Anyway, it worked, it relaxed it so well but left some of the curl. It's so much easier to comb through and put into her pig tails. I finally decided to cut the back portion at the nape of her neck. It doesn't grow well bc of where her headrest is on her wheelchair so it just looks so much better being short.

After about an hour - yes, an hour - her hair is done and looking quite cute. I'll take pics later when I get her up in her wheelchair.

Tomorrow will another ordeal.....bathtime....... :-)

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