Saturday, November 20, 2010

Where is this rash coming from????

Well, Dakotah is on day 3 of a really bad rash and today it has gotten a little worse.  It's all over her torso (front and back) and groin area moving down her thighs a little.  It looks like a really bad sunburn is the best way to describe it.  Day 1 the doctors/nurses thought maybe she was having an allergic reaction to the morphine.  Changed to Dilodid.  Rash a little worse.  Then they thought maybe it was the antibiotic...changed that. Rash a little worse. Changed her pain meds again.  Rash a little worse.  I know she's not allergic to laundry products because I've never had that problem and it's not all over her body.  It is also warm to the touch and the doctor said that is indicative to an infection.  Ortho dr. says the incision looks great and I agree with him so we don't think it's that.  They did a throat culture (to test for strep), chest xray, and drew blood today.  So far, first strep test was negative (but waiting on cultured one still), chest xray good - no pneumonia.  Nothing apparent popped up in her labs. 

It's really strange - I've never seen her have this kind of rash.  Please pray that we get an answer soon so that it can be treated and start clearing up.  I won't let them send her home from hospital until it's going away or we have an answer and are treating it.  Benadryl wasn't even touching it.  They did say her throat was really red this a.m. so they started her on Z-Pack (Zithromax).  She is resting very comfortably and the rash doesn't seem to be bothering her (thank God).  I'm hoping by tomorrow we see some improvement. 

Since I'm not a big college football fan, Netflix has become my best friend today!!!!

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