Every Christmas, a local radio show - The Monsters in the Morning (and actually further than local since they are on "I Heart Radio") incorporates Christmas wishes into their morning show the week before they go on their holiday vacation. The DJs and producers are Russ Rollins, Dirty Jim (Jim Colbert), Daniel Dennis, and Drunky the Bear (Thomas Vann). I tried every day they were doing wishes and FINALLY got through on the last day. That morning I woke up and decided that Dakotah and I were going to wear our "I BELIEVE" wristbands that Marc Mero gave us (I will make another post about our meeting with Marc). I hoped that the wristband message would somehow help me get through (as well as my many prayers). I dialed and dialed, busy....busy...busy. Then finally I heard Drunky's voice. I couldn't believe it. He asked if I had a Christmas wish and I replied, "Yes." He asked me what my wish was and I gave him the short story of Dakotah, etc. and told him that my wish was for diapers and wipes for her. He put me on hold.
When they came back from the break, Russ asked Drunky which line he should take and Drunky said, "Definitely line 7" (I can still hear him saying that). I didn't know it was me until Russ came on the line and started talking to me. He asked me what my wish was. I told him that my wish was diapers and wipes for my daughter. I explained about her having Aicardi Syndrome and being both physically and mentally disabled. I told them that she is 13 years old so I have to buy adult supplies, they are expensive and my insurance won't cover them. I also explained how long Dakotah has been waiting for services (13 years) and how we don't receive any services currently. He and the other guys IMMEDIATELY said they were going to grant my wish but they had to figure out the best way to do it. They put me on hold and then after talking for a few minutes, put me back on the air and asked me what I wanted for Christmas since I was wishing for something so selfless. I honestly didn't have a wish - I was just so emotional and happy that I was going to get help with diapers and wipes for Dakotah.
Well........my day that day (12/15/11) was an emotional day for me. Brad from Family Jewelry and Pawn (see pic below) called in to say that he was going to give us a t.v., a PS3, and money. Then when we met him, he surprised me with a manicure and pedicure gift card (my son is babysitting tomorrow and I'm going to enjoy that treat - I can't wait!!!)
I got several phone calls during the day. I won't list names as I don't know if people want to remain anonymous, but a teacher called and sent us some money. Another family met us and gave us wipes, diapers, and disposable chair/bed pads (and some DELICIOUS brownies). A wonderful man called and within 2 days we had a case of diapers and will be receiving a case of wipes. Then this same man (G.) said that he would be ordering her a case of diapers and a case of wipes the first of the month for all next year. I cried.
I received an email from M.M. saying that he had already put something in the mail for us because he wasn't sure if we would get through or not. Later in the day I received a phone call from an attorney who is going to help us try to get assistance (pro bono). Neither of us know if we can make anything happen, but we are certainly going to try. Another listener called and said that he would like to help and would be ordering some supplies from the website I use (http://www.allegromedical.com/).
Finally on Friday, an out-of-state listener called and we spent a little time on the phone. He asked about Dakotah and her syndrome. I gave him the Aicardi Syndrome website and this blog address (which I hope he comes back once in a while to check on Dakotah). He overnighted a very, very, special card to us. I want him to know that I immediately called my mom and bawled to her (scared her at first bc she thought something bad had happened). You sir will never know how eternally grateful I will be to you!!!!!
Thank you again to EVERYONE and to the Monsters for even taking the time to do this!!!!!! You really don't know how your kindness has touched my life this year!!!! Hugs to you all!!!!
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Dakotah with her "I BELIEVE" wristband |
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Dakotah w/Brad from Family Jewelry & Pawn |