Dakotah's foot surgery (triple arthrodesis with tendon lengthening) on her right foot was a success. Her surgeon even said that he got more correction than he had anticipated (got her foot straighter). Then came the "BUT"......"she's having trouble breathing". At this point I wasn't overly anxious - she's had some issues before after surgery. But then after 2 hours and I still hadn't been called back to be with her, I called back to her recovery nurse and they had her on a bipap machine to keep her airway open and also had her on 45 ml of oxygen. This of course sent me into tears. I was there alone and I think that made it worse. I finally got to go back to sit with her about 4 hours post-op (still in PACU). They took her off the bipap and O2 around 7:30-8:00 p.m. and her O2 sats stayed in the upper 90s. She didn't have to go back on any O2 or anything and made it throught the night successfully. She is doing great! She doesn't like the cast at all but who can blame her. I broke my ankle not so long ago so I told her that mommy knows what she's going through.
Fortunately Nathan (my son, her brother) didn't have college classes today nor will he have them tomorrow so he is able to watch her here at the house (yes, they discharged her less than 24 hours post-op - surprisingly, but I was very happy). If he wouldn't have been able to babysit for me, I would have had 4 days w/o pay vs. the 2 I had to take. She will be able to go back to school on Monday-just have to keep her foot elevated. And since I teach at her school, I can administer any pain meds she may need.
Thank you to all for your thoughts and prayers for her. They were POWERFUL and I believe that it why we are home already and she's doing so well.
With the bipap :( Her hot pink cast :)

Home in her comfy bed :)
My wishes and prayers to get well soon. Don't lose hope.
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