She is back in school and I am finally back to work. However, we still have a ways to go before we are out of the woods financially. I did not have any income in the month of December so the county I work for billed me for all my insurance premiums (health, dental). I now have to pay those back this month. My paycheck on 1/15 will be significantly less than usual because I still have some leave w/o pay on it and then they are taking 1 of the 2 payments for my health insurance premiums ($250). I will have to pay the other $250 out of my check on the 30th.
I have managed to be able to make a van payment every 30 days so they do not take my wheelchair van; however I still owe for November, December and then January will be due the 30th. This is the main thing that I really need help with. I just can't lose my van or I will have no way of getting Dakotah to school and to all her doctor's appointments.
Eventually I will get the utility bills caught up, but in the meantime I continue to rob Peter to pay Paul - when I do get some money. Keeping groceries in the house also continues to be struggle.
I still have the Dollar 4 Dakotah paypal account set up and still welcome (and need) any gifts that anyone can give. $1 is all it takes. If enough people do this and pass it along to others, those dollars add up and can possibly pay my electric bill or a van payment. The directions for giving can be found on the right-hand side of my blog.
I appreciate everything everyone has done for us so far to help. I know that without your prayers and support we could've ended up homeless again. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!!
Happy New Year to you all!!!!!!