Well, Dakotah is recovering very well from her surgery. Her surgeon was very pleased with the rods/wiring when she had her xray at her last post-op appt. She is now tolerating 2 consecutive hours in her wheelchair which is an improvement. The first week she was only tolerating about 30 minutes. Please continue to pray for her as her recovery is not over yet.
The month of December is the hardest for us financially. I will not be receiving any regular paychecks this month. So far we are surviving but it isn't w/o sacrifice. We have our tree up, but there won't be any presents under it again this year. I'm okay with that because my present is of course that Dakotah made it through her surgery. But I do have an 18 year old that even though he says he understands (and I know he does), it still breaks my heart that I can't even afford to buy him stocking stuffers.
I am pleading with anyone reading this to please give $1 to Dollar 4 Dakotah and pass this along to all your friends, family, and anyone you can. It can be done via paypal. If you send the $1 as a gift, there isn't a fee to you or to Dakotah. The email address to use is dollar4dakotah@gmail.com I desperately need to raise about $600 to get us through this month - this is just for bills - not for Christmas. I will be back at work in January because Dakotah will be able to return to school. I am a single parent so I am the only one to be home with her during her recovery (this is why I am not getting paid this month).
I thank you so much for any help you can give us. If you aren't able to give, can you please just pass along our need?